You have a  brand if you didn't create one

You still have a personal brand even if you didn't create one (Must-read)

Personal branding is: how people perceive you and your business. These are three basic areas that make up your personal brand:

  • How you are seen
  • What you do
  • What you stand for

1. The young entrepreneur

Sandra, a young entrepreneur, contacted me for a headshot the other day. We scheduled a phone consultation to discuss how she'd like to be photographed.

As we spoke more about her business, she told me she doesn't have time to create a personal brand for herself. She just needs a headshot photo.

Her comment stopped me in my tracks.

Because, the reality is, even if you haven't put a conscious effort into creating your personal brand - you still have one. 

When you don't take control of it, it still exists, it's just out of our control.

But you can control it by curating what you put on your website and marketing materials. You can enhance the content with supportive visuals, such as photographs to help you stand out, be memorable and tell your story. 


2. The bestselling author

The other day I was reading a comment in a Facebook business group.

It was posted by a copywriter/ghostwriter. She was expressing how grateful she is now that two of the books she's ghostwritten have become international bestsellers.

Well, I was intrigued and clicked on her website to learn more about this awesome lady! 

When I landed on her website I wondered to myself, "Am I in the right place?"

The website didn't match with the person I just read about on Facebook.

Nowhere on the site was there any mention of ghostwriting - let alone the writing of two international bestsellers. (I understand she guest wrote them, so naming the titles may not have been appropriate, but noting the accolade would have been helpful.)  Instead, the website's visual and textual content gave an amateurish vibe.

This is an example of an outdated personal brand. Be sure to keep your social media and website up-to-date because you may be sending the wrong message to potential clients.


3. The waitress

Personal branding isn't just for entrepreneurs. Yes, that's right. Everyone has a personal brand.

Let's take a waitress, for example. While she's waiting on you:

Do you perceive her as a happy, organized and efficient worker?

Or do you perceive her as a slow, absent-minded and miserable worker?

Personal branding isn't just photos or websites. It's also how people perceive in-person. Your actions and behaviour contribute to your personal brand.

Be mindful of all aspects of your life and the message you are sending to the world. 

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